Chinese Culture Presentations W/ Andy Warhol Style 2nd Draft

Monday, March 8, 2010 by 小元儿 / Mark

                          Chinese Culture Presentations with Andy Warhol Style  2nd Draft 03.08.10
墨新的设计,准确定义上还没有确定。 但要以Andy Warhol的艺术风格来体现中国历史文化和情节。 很多要改的地方还要加颜色,但先拿上来跟大家分享一下。 
Mo's new design, the precise message has not been defined.  However it's to present Chinese history, culture and spirit with Andy Warhol's art style.   A lot to be improved and colors need to be added, just want to upload it to the blog to share with everyone for now.  
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