Again, 各位:來的都是客兒/Dear Visitors: 留句言吧!

Monday, March 8, 2010 by 小元儿 / Mark
雖然我們還沒有向外界正是宣佈我們博客的存在, 但我們還是注意到了很多朋友們的來訪。 來了有可能是因為您是我們的好友﹔ 來了也可能是我們博客和您有緣使您偶然看到﹕ 不管怎麼說﹐您來了﹐ 我們就非常開心。---  來的都是客兒﹐ 請您留下支字片語﹐讓我們知道您的到訪與關注!  如果您支持我們以時裝設計與藝術的方式弘揚中華精神與亞洲文化﹐ 就更要多留言﹐以示鼓勵 。 如果您願意成為我們的忠實支持者﹐為我們搖旗吶喊﹐就請您加入成為我們的Follower. 我和曉非還有設計師錢墨感謝您的關心幫助與捧場!  我們在這裡先謝謝大家啦 : ) !
Although we have not publicly announced the existence of our blog, but we have noticed a steady inflow of visitors to the site.  Maybe you are here because you are a good friend of ours and are curious of what we are doing, and maybe you are here through simple luck.  Nevertheless, you being here makes us really happy! --- Being here means you are our guest, so please leave a few words so we know you have visited us and that you care.  If you do support us in celebrating Asian cultures through fashion and art, we invite you to comment, critic and make suggestions to encourage and improve our works.   If you'd truly like to become a steadfast supporter and cheer for us through this journey, please join by becoming a follower (Click on "Follow)!  Terry, Mo, our artist, and I would truly appreciate your support and encouragement.  We thank you in advance!!! 
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