孫悟空像素艺术 草圖 1 & 2

Thursday, March 18, 2010 by 小元儿 / Mark

                     Monkey King Pixel Art Design Draft 1 孫悟空像素艺术 草圖1   03.10.10

                      Monkey King Pixel Art Design Draft 2 孫悟空像素艺术 草圖2 03.16.10

我覺得用這種Pixel Art的形式體現孫悟空﹐很有趣 ﹐很可愛。有極大的發展潛力和空間把它變成我們獨有的風格。 我想這個是墨的獨創了。 加油吧!!! 墨~~~ 期待更多的!
I feel that illustrating the Monkey King through pixel art is quite interesting and cute. It has great potential and space to grow into something uniquely us. I believe it's Mo's original concept. Keep up the good work, Mo! We look forward to more!!!

我們還需要一句給這個設計的主題! 要好好想想! 有什麼建議嗎﹖ 留句言吧!
We also need a suitable message to go with the art! Need to think about it...... Any suggestion? Whoever is reading? Please leave a comment.
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