Ok....! 終於快要準備好設計然後開始Focus Group了

Monday, May 3, 2010 by 小元儿 / Mark
世事難料,不是甚麼事情都能順心順意,按步就班地做成的。  還好我們幾個都有心裡準備,做從無到有的事,就是這樣的。 我們還是有進展, 希望能快點開始焦點分析組。

Things are unpredictable, not everything can be smooth and be dictated by your own will.  At least we are mentally prepared, knowing that progress can be slow and tedious and complicated at times, especially when you try to build something from scratch.   Anyway, at least we made progress.   Getting all the final designs together, and hopefully we can launch focus group soon!
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Testing the Connection the Blog and Fan Page 04.24.10

Saturday, April 24, 2010 by 小元儿 / Mark
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Chinese Map Sketchy Style 中国地图 Draft 2 03.31.10

Monday, April 5, 2010 by 小元儿 / Mark
Gold and Military Green 

Blue and Turquoise 

Gold and Orange 


Original on 03.16 .10 

Chinese Map with architectural feel / 中国地图 - 建设
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Chinese Map with Peace Sign 和平 Draft 1 - 03.31.10

by 小元儿 / Mark
Chinese Map with Peace Sign 和平
Love not War - 中国人爱和平
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红与黄 系列: Fist 拳头 4th Draft Red and Yellow 03.31.10

by 小元儿 / Mark

Gold and Red Combo 

Blue & Gold 

Fist up high: 革命 Revolution  

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红与黄系列 - Yin Yang Fish 陰陽魚 3rd Draft 03.31.10

by 小元儿 / Mark

Earthy Color Combo 

Blue & Purple Combo 

None Color Combo 
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Chinese Knot 中国节 03.21.10

by 小元儿 / Mark
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Finalizing a few designs tonight!

Sunday, March 21, 2010 by 小元儿 / Mark
今天晚上要和墨整理完成几个设计。希望7-10天内能开始Focus Group 啦!给自己加油!
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孫悟空像素艺术 草圖 1 & 2

Thursday, March 18, 2010 by 小元儿 / Mark

                     Monkey King Pixel Art Design Draft 1 孫悟空像素艺术 草圖1   03.10.10

                      Monkey King Pixel Art Design Draft 2 孫悟空像素艺术 草圖2 03.16.10

我覺得用這種Pixel Art的形式體現孫悟空﹐很有趣 ﹐很可愛。有極大的發展潛力和空間把它變成我們獨有的風格。 我想這個是墨的獨創了。 加油吧!!! 墨~~~ 期待更多的!
I feel that illustrating the Monkey King through pixel art is quite interesting and cute. It has great potential and space to grow into something uniquely us. I believe it's Mo's original concept. Keep up the good work, Mo! We look forward to more!!!

我們還需要一句給這個設計的主題! 要好好想想! 有什麼建議嗎﹖ 留句言吧!
We also need a suitable message to go with the art! Need to think about it...... Any suggestion? Whoever is reading? Please leave a comment.
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St Patrick's Day 让我想到......

Wednesday, March 17, 2010 by 小元儿 / Mark
很多在纽约生活的民族每年都在他们自己很特别的一天来到曼哈顿游行,展示他们对自己文化传统的爱与支持。 今天,有爱尔兰血统的纽约人来到曼哈顿街头要进行一年一度的游行庆祝活动,使街上成了一片绿色得海洋。 看到他们的骄傲,我就想,我们华人什么时候会这样体现对自己文化的爱(不是只在唐人街,法拉盛或其它华人社区里走走算了)。我们要宣扬我们的自豪,让全纽约都知道!  希望有一天我们也会有自己的好日子和游行。

Many major ethnicity in NYC have their special day when they parade through Manhattan and express their love for their culture and roots.   Today, people with Irish heritage came out on their day to celebrate,and they are making the 5th and 6th Ave into seas of Green.  Then I started thinking, when will Chinese people show their love this way?  No, I am not talking about parading around in China Town and Flushing or any other predominately Chinese neighborhoods.   We need to represent and show all of NYC that we are proud of our roots too.   I hope one day we will have a special day too.
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中國地圖百家姓 Draft 2

Tuesday, March 16, 2010 by 小元儿 / Mark

Chinese Map with Bai Jia Xing Draft 2 03.16.10
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中國地圖百家姓 Draft 1

by 小元儿 / Mark

Chinese Map with Bai Jia Xing Draft 1 03.16.10
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Monday, March 15, 2010 by 小元儿 / Mark
加油!加油! Keep up the efforts and push forward!  Add Oil!
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The economy of scale ......

Wednesday, March 10, 2010 by 小元儿 / Mark
So much surcharge when your quantity is small....... Unfortunately, it's the name of the game, the economy of
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Tuesday, March 9, 2010 by 小元儿 / Mark
與墨兩次看T-shirt樣品與顏色,都沒甚麼收穫! 要找找其他的渠道和地方了! 要加油!
Went to check out the T-shirt qualities and colors with Mo, nothing worked out so far! We will need to search 
for other ways and places! Need to add oil!!!
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